We are simple, but no simple impact. Proudly Presents, PBI C 2012. Happy Reading!

Course: Writing and Composition 4

Instructor : Lala Bumela

This website created by : College student from The State Institute of Islamic Studies Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, The Dapartment of English Education 2012.


Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

Dear Bapak Tercinta
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
            Bapak, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini ? Semoga kesehatan dan segala kemudahan selalu menyertaimu dalam menjalani hidup ini. Pak, Jannah bangga sekali menjadi anakmu. Engkau tak pernah mengenal lelah dalam hari-harimu, tak pernah sekalipun Jannah melihat bapak terlihat mengeluh di depan anak-anakmu.  Terkadang jannah ingin sekali menanyakan, apakah bapak merasa lelah dengan aktifitas kerja selama seharian penuh seperti ini ? Tapi tidak ada keberanian dalam diri Jannah untuk mengungkapkan pertanyaan seperti itu. Apapun itu, aku anakmu sangat bangga sekali terhadap jiwa yang tak pernah lelahmu itu.
            Kalau boleh jujur, dulu Jannah pernah sangat marah kepada Bapak itu ketika selesai Aliyah, Jannah ingin sekali melanjutkan studi di Perguruan Tinggi yang ada di Cirebon ini. Sampai-sampai Jannah pernah menjadi tukang cuci baju teman sekelasnya hanya untuk mengumpulkan uang untuk bisa kuliah. Tapi apa, Bapak sama sekali tidak menyeutujinya, dikarenakan kami kalangan keluarga yang kurang mampu dari segi ekonominya. Yeah, walaupun pada saat itu, Jannah daftar perkuliahan yang gratis ( beasiswa ). Tapi tetap saja tidak disetujui. Namun karena Jannah memaksakan diri dan akhirnya Jannah bisa kuliah. Pada saat itu pula Bapak sadar bahwa jika ada kemauan, pasti ada jalan. Dan sekarang Bapak sangat mendukung Jannah kuliah. Terimakasih Bapak…
            Dulu, Bapak itu tipe orang yang galak, tidak suka dengan brisik dan keramaian. Oleh karena itu, Jannah jarang sekali ngobrol dan tertawa barsama dalam waktu yang tidak dalam kesibukan. Tetapi, sekarang bapak sudah berubah, hampir 180 derajat. Hehe. Memang benar kan Pak ? Bapak lebih penyabar, sayang terhadap keluarga, tidak galak, malah lebih humoris. Bahkan hampiir setiap hari Bapak selalu membuat ibu dan anak-anakmu ini selalu tertawa tanpa memikirkan masalah yang lain. Dan sejenak bisa melupakan permasalahan yang ada. Bapakku sangat sayang terhadap anak-anaknya. Terimakasih Bapak..
I Love You So Much

Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin
Oleh : Nurjannah al kendali
Judul                          : Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin
Pengarang                  : Tere-Liye
Penerbit                      : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Cetakan                      : Kedua, Oktober 2010
Jumlah halaman        : 264 halaman
Dia bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Merengkuh aku, adikku, dan Ibu dari kehidupan jalanan yang miskin dan nestapa. Memberikan makan, tempat berteduh, sekolah, dan janji-janji masa depan yang lebih baik.
Dia sungguh bagai malaikat bagi keluarga kami. Memberikan kasih sayang, perhatian, dan teladan tanpa mengharap budi sekali pun. Dan lihatlah, aku membalas itu semua dengan membiarkan mekar perasaan ini.
Ibu benar, tak layak aku mencintai malaikat keluarga kami. Tak pantas. Maafkan aku, Ibu. Perasaan kagum, terpesona, atau entahlah itu muncul tak tertahankan bahkan sejak rambutku masih dikepang dua.
Sekarang, ketika dia boleh jadi tidak pernah menganggapku lebih dari seorang adik yang tidak tahu diri, biarlah… biarlah aku luruh ke bumi seperti sehelai daun… daun yang tidak pernah membenci angin meski harus terenggutkan dari tangkai pohonnya.

Novel ini menceritakan tentang kisah cinta seorang gadis kecil yang bernama Tania, yang mencintai seseorang (Danar) yang dianggap sebagai malaikat bagi  keluarganya. Kisah cinta ini bisa dibilang, kisah cinta beda usia. Karena antara Tania dan Danar selisih 14 tahun. Selaian itu, novel ini juga mengkisahkan tentang kehidupan kakak beradik yang bernama Tania dan Dede. Mereka yang harus putus sekolah dan menjadi pengamen karena keterbatasan ekonomi keluarga sepeninggal ayah mereka. Mereka berdua tinggal di rumah kardus dengan ibu mereka yang sakit-sakitan.
            Ketika Tania berumur 11 tahun, kerasnya kehidupan membuat Tania dan Dede adiknya terpaksa mencari uang dengan mengamen dari satu bus kota ke bus yang lainnya. Hal tersebut mereka lakukan demi menghidupi diri mereka dan ibunya yang sering sakit-sakitan. Ayah Tania meninggal ketika Tania berumur 8 tahun. Sejak saat itu pula kehidupan mereka yang pas-pasan berbalik menjadi serba kekurangan. Tania, Dede, dan Ibunya diusir dari rumah kontrakan,  lalu memutuskan untuk tinggal di rumah kardus.
            Suatu hari, ketika Tania sedang mengamen di salah satu bus kota, kemudian tidak disengaja kaki Tania menginjak paku payung, yang pada saat itu mereka tidak memakai sandal. Penumpang yang berada di dalam bus tidak menghiraiukan Tania kecil yang sedang menahan rasa sakit karena kakinya menginjak paku. Namun ada seorang laki-laki dewasa yang menolong Tania dan mengikat luka dikakinya dengan saputangan yang berwarna putih miliknya. Kemudian Tania dan Dede adiknya pun diantarkan pulang oleh seseorang tersebut. Laki-laki tersebut bernama Danar, seorang yang dianggap sebagai malaikat bagi Tani, Dede dan Ibunya. Laki-laki itu juga yang menjanjikan kehidupan Tania, Adik dan ibunya lebih indah lagi. Dan saat itu juga awal mula perasaan Tania muncul terhadap Danar.
            Sejak saat itu pula, Danar sering mengunjungi rumah kardus mereka. Suatu ketika Danar memberikan rumah kontrakan kepada mereka. Selain itu juga Tania dan Dede pun kembali bersekolah. Danar selalu mengirimkan uang untuk biaya kehidupan mereka. Setiap minggunya Danar past menyempatkan waktunya untuk datang ke kontrakan mereka. Lama- kelamaan mereka semakin dekat dan menganggap mereka seperti keluarganya sendiri. Tania sangat mengagumi Danar karena selain baik, dia juga punya wajah yang menawan.
            Walaupun Tania dan Dede sudah bersekolah kembali, mereka masih mengamen seperti biasanya. Namun bedanya mereka mengamennya sepulang dari sekolah. Kemudian setelah ibu Tania mulai usahanya dengan berjualan kue. Semakin lama, usahanya semakin laku, sehingga Tania dan Dede tidak lagi mengamen di jalanan, dan beralih menjadi pengantar kue ke toko-toko terdekat dan kantin di sekolahnya. Usaha ibunya semakin maju, itu membuat mereka hidup normal lagi dan mereka sangat bahagia. Suasana sedikit berubah ketika Danar membawa teman dekatnya yang bernama Ratna. Tania merasa cemburu, ia tidak suka melihat kedekatan Danar dengan Ratna. Rasa tidak suka itu bukan sekedar perasaan iri seorang adik tapi Tania kecil belum bisa menerjemahkan apa arti perasaan itu.

Kebahagiaan merekapun berkurang saat ibu Tania meninggal karena penyakit kanker.. Berat sekali bagi Tania dan Dede menerima kenyataan bahwa kedua orang tuanya telah tiada dan sekarang ia yang harus bertanggung jawab menjaga Dede adiknya. Untung saja ada Danar yang selalu berada di samping mereka. Tania tumbuh menjadi gadis yang cantik dan sangat pintar. Ia berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa ke Singapura. Sederet prestasi berhasil ia raih dalam studinya. Semua pengalaman hidup yang telah Tania alami menjadikannya lebih dewasa dari gadis-gadis lain seumurannya. Perasaannya terhadap Danar juga semakin jelas. Lambat tahun Tania tahu, perasaan itu bernama cinta.

Kisah cinta Tania terhadap Danar tidaklah mudah. Sebenarnya remajanya ingin mengekspresikan perasaannya meskipun ia tidak tahu apakah Danar memiliki perasaan yang sama dengannya atau tidak. Keadaan semakin sulit bagi Tania saat Danar memutuskan untuk menikah dengan Ratna. Tania sangat patah hati dengan keputusan tersebut. Sehingga Tania memutuskan untuk tidak hadir dalam pernikahan mereka meskipun Danar dan Ratna telah membujuknya. Dan Tania lebih memilih tetap berada di Singapura selama liburan lulus SMA nya.
            Beberapa waktu berlalu, Tania mengetahui bahwa rumah tangga Danar dan Ratna tidak bahagia. Ratna bercerita kepada Tania bahwa Danar telah banyak berubah setelah pernikahannya, terutama setelah berpisah dengan mu Tania. Danar menjadi pendiam dan seringkali tidak berada di rumah. Ratna tahu ada sesuatu yang menghalangi mereka, ada seseorang di antara ia dan Danar tapi ia tidak pernah tahu siapakah bayangan (penghalang) itu. Dari cerita adiknya Dede, akhirnya Tania tahu bahwa Danar juga mencintai Tania. Danar menuliskan perasaannya dalam novel "Cinta Pohon Linden" yang tidak pernah selesai ia tulis. Perbedaan usia yang cukup jauh membuat Danar merasa tidak pantas mencintai Tania. Tidak seharusnya ia mencintai gadis kecil seperti Tania.

Sayang sungguh sayang, ketika Tania dan Danar sama-sama tahu perasaan mereka masing-masing, itu semua sudah terlambat. Biar bagaimanapun Danar telah menikah dengan Ratna. Akhirnya Tania kembali ke Singapura dan memutuskan untuk meninggalkan semua cerita cintanya.

Kelebihan novel ini adalah bahasanya yang mudah dibaca. Ada beberapa point yang bisa saya ambil pelajaran dari novel ini yaitu, kerja keras Tania dalam menggapai cita-citanya. Gimana tidak, yang tadinya seorang pengamen jalanan, bisa mendaptkan beasiswa dari Singapuradan bisa bersekolah di sana selama bertahun-tahun berkat kecerdasan dan prestasinya.
     Kelemahan novel ini adalah ketika pertama kali saya membaca, khususnya di awal- awal cerita, saya sedikit bingung dengan ceritanya. Kemudian kurangnya kejelasan pada akhir cerita, yang membuat orang-orang masih penasaran terhadap cerita. Tapi sayangnya novel ini bukan novel sekuel atau trilogi, yang bisa diikuti cerita kelanjutannya.

Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

Exploring EFL Learners’ Extensive Reading Practice on Factual Text: A Case Study at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Reading Journal: Exploring EFL Learners’ Extensive Reading Practice on Factual Text: A Case Study at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Tina Novitasari
IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
            The effect of extensive reading on factual text has been studied extensively in recent years, because the students can not read english well.  The students seldom reading, because of model from the text.  According to Krashen (1989) claim that reading alone will increase encounters with unknown words, bringing learning opportunities by inferencing.  According to Broughton and Rivers (2011) explain that extensive reading is as one of activity in aspect or main problem in the text.  Bamford also says that extensive is read a book everyday.  Adityarini Kusumaningtyas (2011) also says that extensive is enjoy when read books with the general perception. This is task for teacher to make the students can read english well which in use correct the methode proper with curriculum. The teacher should use curriculum correctly, and teach the students until the students can read the text and comprehend.  The reason of choose reading, that reading is something important the activity beacause of reading is like windows of the world.  Without reading you are as blind person, who want to walk without cane.  According to Tampubolon (cited by Mikhael Ari, 2012) that reading is on of phisyc and mental activity to found meaning from writing, although in that activity there are introduce the alphabet. 
             In university there are still students who can not read english, the teacher or lecturer should give many task reading to students.  Reading on factual text, this is kinds of the text to read by students. One day one text, the teacher or lecturer should give the students the text.  The students in University should read about factual text because the students in University should has crtical thinking with academic reading.  It is generally accepted that the students can read english well, using extensive reading.  Observation by Jeanette Grundy (pg.1: Extensive Reading - a Valuable Language Learning Opportunity), vocabulary growth, knowledge of grammar and text structures, and writing.
             According to Nuttall (1996, p.128) states, "The best way to improve your knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers.  The next best way is to read extensively in it."  But, the best way to improve your knowledge of foreign language are you should read more book and practice it every day.   In addition, it reports on how the way the students can read the factual text to answering question from the text correctly.  In previous research stated that extensive reading in ESOL, the first explain definition of extensive reading in which the purpose of that to make clear of his research then connected extensive reading to ESOL.  By in comparison, the previous research in the first place in New Zealand school.  Although, the next research take a place in IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.    However, this view is challenged by recent data showing extensive reading on factual text.  The properties of extensive reading on factual text are still not completely  understood.  The question remains why the previous research extensive reading on ESOL? And why now extensive reading on factual text? What is the curriculum on reading to University? Why the reasearch take place in IAIN? These differences need to be analyzed extensive reading on factual text.
            The aims of this paper is to make student can read correctly, can answer the question from the text, can comprehend the meaning of the text. This research present data on extenesive reading on factual text show how the students can respond the text and what the strategy to read it.  In this paper  argue that extensive reading can explore with how the way students study reading on factual text, give the problem solving, give task in everyday to read factual text.  This approach provides that effective in university, because as students in university can to be able do many task and should has critical thinking.  This paper is structured as follows definition of extensive reading, explain what is kinds of factual text and give one example the text then answer the question from the text.  The reason of take place in IAIN  is the best Institut in Cirebon, because IAIN is Institut government of islam.  Different with University in Majalengka, that IAIN is the best. But, nothing perfect in the world.  In IAIN also there are still weakness, to investigate that the weakness of IAIN are mistake in skripsi writing.  The first is grammatical pattern, the students still confuse to use it.  Paraphrase also, the students still confuse to use it.  Second, the students write skripsi without the rule and discursive in the title, research question and content.  This paper argue that, explore extensive reading on factual text a case study at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.  That to explore extensive reading, the teacher should give the interesting of text and the students should read it until the end.  Then don’t bring dictionary when the students does not know the meaning of the word.  But, if the students can not enjoy of the text, the students can read what they bring kinds of the text on factual text.  The reasercher think that, in extensive reading is the students can enjoy when they read the text focus on factual text.  In a primary concern on factual text is like descriptive text introduce about the handicraft industry in general region, in narative text is not introduce fiction text such as “snow white, rapunzel etc”.
Overall purpose
This research has shown that the students who read independently, read for enjoyment check out books from the  library and read for extended amounts of time (a) develop stronger reading comprehension abilities (Day and Bamfrd,1998; Stanovich 2000) and (b) develop more positive attitudes toward reading (e.g. Wang and Guthrie 2004).  The students should read whole text without help of dictionary, the students should enjoy what they have read.  Kinds of text is factual text to build their critical thinking as a reader, focus on descriptive text to make a traditional handcraft.
Relevant background literature
This study use kualitatif research.  Definition of kualitatif research is research procedure to produce descriptive data.  This research also use descriptive text on factual text, because the students in Institute should has critical thinking as a reader.  Descriptive text is describe a place or thing using facts for example begins with an introductory statement and systematically describes different aspect of the subject.  The generic of structure in descriptive text consist of   first is Identification : explain the something identification or someone will describe, and second is
Description :  explain or describe someone with mention content about explaning/ describe about something/ someone with mention several of character.
Descritive text it self has definition, Description is about sensory experience—how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of perception. The goal of descriptive text is to describe something with general, the example of descriptive text is:
1.      Monas or Monument national
             Monas National Monument is a 132-meter tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, is the capital of the state. It symbolizes the struggle for Indonesian independence of our country. The monument consists of a 117.7 m obelisk on a 45m square platform at a height of 17 m. Towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Resembles a phallus, or pestle mortar pestle and Yoni resembles rice or mortar, two important things in the tradition of Indonesian agriculture. Construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno, the first president of the us and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil, and now the monument calls.
2.      Bandung
             Set 750m above sea level, and protected by a fortress of watchful volcanoes 190km southeast of Jakarta, BANDUNG is the third largest city in Indonesia and a centre of industry and traditional Sundanese arts – with plenty of cultural performances for tourists – though it suffers from incredible traffic pollution and uninteresting modern developments. Sundanese culture has remained intact here since the fifth century when the first Hindu Sundanese settled in this part of West Java. Modern Bandung's main tourist attraction is nearby Tangkbuhan Prahu volcano, from where there's a very pleasant two-hour forest walk down to the city, too.
             The Dutch spotted the potential of this lush, cool plateau and its fertile volcanic slopes in the mid-seventeenth century, and set about cultivating coffee and rice here, settling in the area to live in the early nineteenth century. Several relics from the city's colonial era remain, including some of the elegant shops along Jalan Braga, and some fine buildings on Jalan Asia-Afrika.

Whereas in previous research does not explain about that, and different area research
Research Question
This paper has research question, that the research question are:
How is extensive reading applied in the classroom?
What steps that the teacher use in extensive reading on factual text to EFL Learners’?
Why the extensive reading on factual text can make critical thinking the students?
Research methodology
            This study conduct for 6 weeks from October to November 2014.  The participants were public Institute Cirebon.  The students’ native language was Indonesia, and they were learning as English Foreign Language.  They had attended 2-45 minute English reading classes per week.  The cooperative learning method was used with a focus on teaching - learning process.  Based on reports from this paper there has step, the following was the schedule of the Reading I course, emphasizing on the use of the reading journal.
1. Week 1 (1st meeting): Course introduction, including how to use the reading descriptive text about extensive reading on factual text.
2. Week 2 (2nd meeting): More practice activities on how to use the reading desriptive text about introduction what their traditional handcraft. Each student borrowed a graded reader at the library and chose a factual text.  Students were instructed to start reading the graded reader and the factual text reading books of their choice. They did not need to finish reading both reading materials, however, they were expected to bring these reading materials with them to the next class meeting.
3. Week 3 (3rd meeting): Silent reading. Students were given 40 minutes to continue reading silently their reading materials. Then they were grouped to share what they have read to retell the text what they have read to another friends. Next, students will give the question from the other students to answer the text.
4. Week 4 (4th meeting): Submission of the reading factual text. Students were instructed to save their reading factual text in one paper. Then, this was followed by group work, where
Kinds of extensive reading on factual text:
1.      Descriptive,
2.      procedur,
3.      report,
4.      explanation
5.      advertisement,
6.      Diary,
7.      Negociation,.
students had to talk about the descriptive text on factual text.
Chracteristic of extensive reading accrording to Day and Bamford (2011):
a.      The students can read more books in the text. It can do in out class.   
b.      The material of read is variation, for example in topic, so that, the students can be critical thinking.
c.       The students can choose the text what their want to read, so that the students will enjoy when they are read.   
d.      The material of reading is not more of  linguistic comptence from students, firstly in vocabulary and grammar.  Unknown of vocabulary in the text can be the students stop in their reading and the power of their reading will distrube.
e.      Activity of reading do individual and silent reading, when out class the students can choose what the type of reading their wnat and when the time they should to read.
f.        The teacher explain what the goal, and explain the methodology to follow each student’s read activity.
g.      For the first semester the teacher or lecture is like an orchestra model for the students, because the students is the first time know about extensive reading on factual text.
When you read the text, use extensive reading you should remember about this:
1.      Read whole text, so that you got the comprehend about content in text.
2.      Comprehend main idea in each the text
3.      Compare two text, so that you should the describe the differnce and similarity
4.      Make conclusion about the main problem in two text.

Aliponga Jonathan.2013 Reading Journal: Its Benefits for Extensive Reading
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